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Supervisión de profesionales:

Supervision is a fundamental process for learning and development professionals of psychosocial intervention, allowing them to:


- Improve the effectiveness of its interventions through case analysis, the
   training in theory and techniques and the capacitiy development.
- Mitigate the stress and anxiety inherent in psychosocial intervention.
- Mitigate the interference of their own life story in interventions.
- Work as a team optimally.
- Manage better troubled working relations.


In Psyche & LOGOS we offer supervision sessions both point and continuous in time, to:


> Single professionals of psychosocial intervention (psychologists, psyquiatrists, social workers, social educators ...) that wish to develop professionally.

> Work teams and institutions of psychosocial intervention (psycho-social, health, education, post-adoption services...), which want to develop professionally and work as a team optimally.






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