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II National Congress on Families: Once upon a time the family diversity.

12-14 December 2012. Madrid: UNAF.


Our colleague Jesus Oliver participated in the II National Congress on Families: Once upon a time the family diversity, organized by UNAF.


He talked, with Javier Elzo, about the families in situations of exclusion.



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Family Mediaction for conflict prevention.

Diciembre 2011. Madrid: UNAF.



Our colleagues Patricia Calatrava and Jesus Oliver participated as speakers at the Conference on Family Mediation for conflict prevention, organized by UNAF in collaboration with the College of Physicians of Madrid.

They talked with Gregory Gullón, about the adolescent-to-parent violence.


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Course for parents with teenagers.

Octubre 2011. Vigo: Federación de APAs del Sur-Oeste de Galicia (SURGAPA)



Our colleague Jesus Oliver taught a course for parents with teenagers for APAs Federation of South-West of Galicia (SURGAPA).

He explained various strategies to improve parenting skills and family communication.


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